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I made a puzzle for Android with this wonderful Little Apprentice music.

Thank you for sharing such a great work.

Looks awesome thank you!

man, you are a top artist, please don't stop making these incredible songs

Thank you!

Thank you very much Tim¡

NIce sound!

Great tunes

Thank you!

Another one my project. It's thanks to you, TimBeek!


Looks great thank you so much for using my music!

Thank you for making this pack!! The soundtracks are super epic! I used some of them in the game I made for NaNoRenO 2023! I also credited you in the credits and in the description!

Thanks! I appreciate the credits!

Awesome game!

Thank you very much, Timbeek! You helped me in creating my game:


Thank you for using my music!

I created my 1st game with your bgm ty for the free bgm sir

Thanks a lot!

Hi there!It's a great work!

I made a game with your BGM. You can play it here. I hope you have a good time!

Thank you!

Just take my money omg.


I am very thankful for the amazing support!

Thanks for sharing this music pack! Its realy great!

I used your Song "8Bit Platformer Loop" for my puzzlegame:

Amazing thank you!

Thank you for this music pack! It's fantastic!

I used it in my visual novel Down the Memory Lane.


The game looks fantastic! Thank you for using my music!

Thank you! ^_^

Greate music pack! Thanks to sharing!

I used it my game:

I gave credit in game :)

That's so cool!

Thanks a lot and best of luck with your game!

(1 edit)

Thanks for the nice music!

I used Little Apprentice as title music in my game:

Thanks a lot for sharing the music!

Sounds exciting! Thank you for your interest in my music! 🧙‍♂️

Thank you for your music!

I use 8Bit DNA for my game for the Brackeys Game Jam 2021. Your music was very great.
Chaos Traps by Rice Fry (

Another wonderful collection, used the track "Deck the Halls Jazz" as the main theme for my project! 

Thank you Tim Beek for releasing all these fantastic tracks for free! It really helps a lot for us small indie devs!


That's great! Thanks for using my music!

I created my very first mobile game on Android called Double Jumpy Runner. I used some of the tracks from here which are awesome and listed you in the credits within the game as well. Thanks Tim.

Thanks! Super cool. Looks fun!

Hey! i used some of this tracks in a little game i made for the AirConsole 2020 Jam

Thanks for the music!

Awesome! Always good to hear my music is being used in games!
The game looks really cool!